Source code for aiida_jutools.util_node

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany.         #
#                All rights reserved.                                         #
# This file is part of the aiida-jutools package.                             #
# (AiiDA JuDFT tools)                                                         #
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# The code is hosted on GitHub at #
# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file.           #
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"""Tools for working with aiida Node objects."""

import pprint
import typing

from aiida.orm import Node

simple_types = [int, bool, float, complex, list, tuple, set]
# define attribute lists of some aiida types. of course these lists are non-exhaustive.
# selected for interesting stuff, inspired by aiida cheat sheet / this tutorial.
attribute_string_lists: typing.Dict[str, typing.List[str]] = {
    "StructureData": ["cell", "sites", "kinds", "pbc", "get_formula", "get_cell_volume",
                      "cell_angles", "cell_lengths",
    "CifData": ["get_content"
    "kkrparams": ["get_all_mandatory", "get_missing_keys"],
    "ProcessBuilder": ["metadata", "parameters", "parent_KKR", "potential_overwrite", "structure"]

[docs]def is_same_node(node: Node, other: Node, comparator: str = "uuid"): """Basic node comparator. Note: since aiida-core v.1.6.0, the base Node class now evaluates equality based on the node's UUID. Yet, class specific, equality relationships will still override the base class behaviour, for example: Int(99) == Int(99). In case of doubt, prefer this method. References: - v1.6.0 - v1.5.2- :param node: a node. :param other: another node. :param comparator: "uuid" (default), "pk", or "hash" (warning: slow) :return: True if same node, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ allowed_comparators = ["uuid", "pk", "hash"] if comparator not in allowed_comparators: return KeyError(f"Allowed comparators: {allowed_comparators}, used: {comparator}.") if comparator == "hash": att_node = node.get_hash() att_other = other.get_hash() else: att_node = getattr(node, comparator) att_other = getattr(other, comparator) return att_node == att_other
[docs]def intersection(nodes: typing.List[Node], others: typing.List[Node]): """Computes intersection set of nodes from both lists. DEVNOTE: outer loop over longer list seems to guarantee symmetry. (without it, computing difference list(set(longer)-set(intersection))==shorter seems to not be guaranteed.) :param nodes: :param others: :return: """ intersection = [] if len(nodes) > len(others): longer = nodes shorter = others else: longer = others shorter = nodes for nlo in longer: for nsho in shorter: if is_same_node(nlo, nsho): intersection.append(nlo) continue return intersection
[docs]def list_differences(calculation_sequence: list, node_type: Node, member_name: str, outgoing: bool = True): """Print attributes (e.g. output files) of nodes in list, and only differences in list between subsequent nodes. Note for comparing Dict nodes, prefer library DeepDiff. DEVNOTE: TODO redo as tree algorithm navigating via `get_incoming(KkrCalculation)` / `get_outgoing(RemoteData)` given a sinlge node instead of via node list. :param calculation_sequence: :param node_type: :param member_name: :param outgoing: :example: >>> from aiida.orm import load_node, Dict, FolderData, RemoteData >>> voro_calc = load_node(1) >>> kkr_calc = load_node(2) >>> kkr_calc_converged = load_node(3) >>> hostGF_calc = load_node(4) >>> calcs = [voro_calc, kkr_calc, kkr_calc_converged, hostGF_calc] >>> list_differences(calcs, RemoteData, "listdir") # outputs.remote_folder >>> list_differences(calcs, FolderData, "list_object_names") # outputs.retrieved >>> list_differences(calcs, Dict, "attributes") # outputs.output_parameters """ def print_items(items): if type(items) == list: for item in items: print(f"\t{item}") elif type(items) == dict: for k, v in items.items(): print(f"\t{k} : {v}") items = {} title = f"Output {node_type}.{member_name} items:" sep = "-" print("{}\n{:{fill}^{w}}".format(title, sep, fill=sep, w=len(title))) for i, calc in enumerate(calculation_sequence): if not outgoing: node = calc.get_incoming(node_type).all_nodes()[0] else: node = calc.get_outgoing(node_type).all_nodes()[0] return_items = getattr(node, member_name) if callable(return_items): # i.e. member is a method, not an attribute return_items = return_items() if type(return_items) == list: return_items = sorted(return_items) items[calc] = return_items if i == 0: print(f"...of calc. no.{i} '{calc.label}':") print_items(items[calc]) continue parent_calc = calculation_sequence[i - 1] print(f"additional items of calc. no.{i} '{calc.label}':") difference = sorted(list(set(items[calc]) - set(items[parent_calc]))) if type(items[calc]) == dict: keys = difference.copy() # get all k,v pairs from difference list difference = {} for k in keys: difference[k] = items[calc][k] print_items(difference) print("\n")